Sunday, April 12, 2009


The countdown is on! Only 10 more days until Lyla Kate Stephens will be born. She will be born on April 22, 2009. AKA: Earth Day. Dan has already talked about how we have to plant a tree for her. How silly are we! We can't wait for that day. I'm getting a little nervous though knowing it is so soon. I am scheduled for a C-section at 1 that day because she is breech. Oddly enough I am ok with this. I think it's nice knowing for sure what day she will arrive. I won't have to sit and wait for contractions to start. I will try to update this blog as much as possible so you can keep up with our new family! Keep checking back :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for having a blog!!! I'm sorry that you'll have to have a C-section, but at least you know that Lyla will be born safe and sound. And it's awesome that she'll be born on Earth Day!! :)
